Saturday, July 10, 2010

Trip to New Mexico

I have been selected to tell you all about our trip to New Mexico. Our first stop was in Clovis, NM and I had an amazing time. We got to hang out at somebody's house who seemed to know me!! I think it was Julie's Aunt Sandy and Uncle Doug. Anyway, we got to sniff around their house and yard. Then, we went to this glorious park on the north side of town and there was a pond with ducks! I chased the ducks in that pond for 4 hours, and the only thing that lured me out of the water was Dad bringing me a plate of chicken. I had entertainment, water, and I didn't get hot-- so I saw no need to get out even though I was being politely and not so politely asked.

From there, we went to Taos, NM. I loved it there for the most part. We took a lot of long walks and hikes in the mountains. One time, I got lost. I was chasing a bird and I went back to check for my pack, but they were not where I thought they would be. 40 minutes later in the hail, Mom found me and reunited me with the rest of the pack. That little episode did not deter me too much because I still was eager to wander and lope across the countryside the next day. I loved playing in the Rio Grande Gorge and I ran up and down the cliffs like a billy goat-- I do have the beard for it! Anyway, one time I rambled up the hill, I managed to lose my collar and hurt my paw. I had to have it wrapped so the long ride back home wasn't too bad because I needed the rest.

These images are of me and the video shows me with the ducks in Clovis.

Keep exploring,


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