Friday, October 06, 2006

My birthday!

Thanks to all who helped make my birthday fun and special. A big thanks especially goes to Julie who managed most of the activities, Lazarus who loves parties and celebrations, and Moses who likes to party hard and have fun. I received a lot of fun gifts and cards. Some of the notable gifts came from Laz and Moses who both gave me a football. They love playing football and wear out the ball pretty quickly. I also got a disc golf net that Lazarus loves. It reminds him of halcyon days in Lincoln Drive Park and slobbering on the discs. Moses especially liked the card I received from Kristen, Jeff, and Ginger that played "Bad to the Bone" when it opened. He even ran back from chasing deer when he heard the music. Well, I better get back to work since I am a bit behind since I took yesterday off.


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